The Secret Ingredients to a Purposeful Life

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I was the administrator for an art contest:

Art, I just love to view other artist's work, from so many different mediums too. Here are the results of an art contest that I had the joy of administrating. 
Metallic Angel is the icon used for the contest and the Fine Art America group.
Metallic Angel Sent to Ameliorate
Angels and Anything Spiritual says a big Congrats to the winners!
All the winners who submitted their winning works are also featured on the Fine Art America group, 'Angels and All Spiritual Things.'
The first, second and third place winners were done by popular vote.

First place winner: Meagn Miller, 'Step Through To Change.' Her work will stay on the home page of the Angels and All Spiritual Things' until November 17 (2 months) as the winner of the contest. To contact this artist, her email is: Or you can view more of her work at:
or on her facebook link:

The following is the interview with the first place winner, Megan Miller:
Tell us about you --and the age you began to experiment with art?
I started painting specifically when I was in my late teens. I was really searching for an outlet and had been using writing short stories and poetry for a long time, but needing to do something different, although I do still write. My mother is an artist she does mostly oil paintings. I think she dabbled in watercolor in the beginning but has settled on oils.
I read your bio on FAA. Can your share a story of how art has affected some of the clients that you have worked with?
I do use painting in my job as a Mneme Therapist, which is a newer therapy used with children and adults with brain diseases, disorders, recovering from trauma, or after having a stroke. The style of painting I use for this is called 'directed painting' and we are able to create simple, but mature looking paintings that bring genuine praise and are very rewarding.
Describe how art is therapeutic?
Painting is therapeutic in many ways, especially when it comes to brain stimulation, using both sides of the brain simultaneously, and balancing the chemicals produced in the brain.
What is the story behind the title of your photo?
The title 'Step Through To Change' came from the way the photo looks like stepping through a looking glass into another world, a green beautiful place of peace.
What is your inspiration?
My inspiration is a inner feeling to create always tugging at me, seeing something beautiful and feeling an awe about it, --just an enjoyment of taking in the world.
Do you have a hero, or admire a famous-master-of-your-craft?
I love all of the classic impressionist painters, they are my favorite. I feel so much emotion when I look at their works. But, I have an appreciation for so many talented artists. With the internet and venues like FAA, I am amazed at number of gifted and talented people creating art of all kinds; it is wonderful.
Where did you take the picture (location)?
This photo was taken in Ector County TX, just outside of Odessa, which is very ironic since it is such a desert landscape!
But this place is an oasis of beauty that someone has worked on for about 16 years. It is truly is an oasis in the desert.
Were you at this location to take photos, or were you there for a different reason?
I had visited before and had asked the person who owns property if I could come back and take photos.
What do you want this photo to say to all who view it?
I want this photo to say, "you can make changes in your life, there can be beauty in all things with the right perspective, you must make the effort to change."
What does the future hold for you as an artist/photographer?
I am really starting to work towards making my art more than just a hobby and a personal outlet, so I guess we will just see what the future holds. I certainly plan on doing my part, but the rest is not up to me.
Second place winner: Juls Adams, 'Spirit Lake.' 
Third place winner: Steven Michael, 'Amazing Grace.'  
872 pieces were received for this contest. To honor a variety of mediums and multiple cultures and beliefs; Honorable Mentions were added to the contest.
The mediums of the artists: photography, watercolor, oil, acrylic paintings, painting on leather, pencil, charcoal drawing, coffee painting, statue, bronze sculpture, stained glass.
More information may be added regarding each artists inspiration for their work as they arrive to me. I will be traveling soon... (my mom's surgery coming up)... so, I wanted to get this art celebration posted to honor all who participated.

The honorable mentions were selected by a jury of art friends that I solicitated. So because their work was so beautiful,

Honorable Mentions were given to the following artists:

Juls Adams, 'Saying Goodbye.'
Cathy Jourdan, 'Christ.'
Carla Carson, 'Christ.'

Marvin toddy, 'Praying To the Morning Sun.'
Julian B, 'Sacrifice.'
Karen Giles, 'Feather Fall.' Just received a message from this artist regarding the contest and her contact information, should you be interested in viewing more of her work: "Sorry this took so long Lisa!  Thanks for running such a great contest!"

Brenda Owen, 'Alaska Graveyard.'
Joe Triano, 'Finding Inner Peace.'
Elisheva Nesis, 'Blessing Over The Vine.'
Laurie Stewart, 'Muse of Dawn.'
Nathalie Chavieve, 'Music Lesson.'

Joyce Hayes, 'Peace in Mind.'
John Keaton, ' The Cross', when asked about the inspiration of this painting, the artist said, "This oil painting is based on the Spanish painter, Goya's work. This powerful image depict Jesus carrying the cross. What is particularly striking is the facial expression which shows Jesus looking up to His Father in heaven.

'In The Shadows of Golgotha.' John Keaton said his inspiration for this pencil drawing was, "This drawing is a reminder that we all, in one way or another live in the Shadow of Golgatha. The figure praying is very intense yet at the same time very sensitive. He represents all of mankind."
Ben Christianson, 'Atom Bomb.' To answer the question about his inspiration for his piece, the artist said, "the inspiration for the piece comes from making random lines and shapes. My thoughts are scattered at first but like a jigsaw puzzle they find their place. I made this painting when the earthquake hit Japan. It wasn't my goal to represent the earthquake but when I let my mind run free it does what it wants. This is good for painting and bad for sanity. I lived here for a day (unpleasant). But my mind is stronger for making it through all the atombombs and such. PAINTERS ADVISE- live in the painting."

Stetson Honyumptewa, 'Twin Warrior.'

Gloria Merritt, 'My Own Point of View.'
Lenard Aitken, 'Enroute to A Celebration.'

Adam Long, 'Seraph Angel -bronze.'
Jason Kasper, 'The Passion.'

Bijay Biswaal, 'Faith.' The artist humbly said, "Thanks Lisa for giving honorable mention to my painting "FAITH" in the, just concluded, contest: Angels and Anything Spiritual. With all the thought provoking works, I consider that an achievement on my part. I am so happy to be in the list... thanks ton for that." I asked the artist to discribe the meaning of his work and faith, "what inspired me to do FAITH is rooted deep in my Hindu upbringing. I have taken Shiva as my muse. Ans the Bull is his vahana or the "faithful carrier." The faith carrier is waiting for his master to come out of His samadhi. Shiva is depicted by the black stoned Lingam, he is adorned with his favorite flowers offered by his devotees. The roots that are hanging, wrapping around the animal shows the timelessness of the surrounding. The unwavering faith of Hindus is reflected through the patiently seated bull in rapt attention, almost turning into a stone himself."

Carole Powell, 'Baptism New Life.'

Georgie Harson, 'Suffer the Children.'
Jani Freimann, 'Mercy.'
Marsha Elliott, 'Behold the Lamb.'

Part of the winning package included this feature on lisakramerlifesyle:

Congratulations to all the winners!
--Disclaimer : (Note: All the work is the copyright of each artist. Attempting to reproduce their work for profit, without permission is illegal).
Sorry about that folks, you would be surprised what artist's can run into.