The Secret Ingredients to a Purposeful Life

Monday, January 3, 2011

Veggie Burgers or Croquettes: Recipes for Everyone,Vegetarians, or Diabetics. Vegetables, healthy eating, meat subsitute meals.

 Make ahead Veggie Burger or Croquette (can keep in the refrigerator for a week or freeze patties):

Note: Read label on back of dried beans; rinse, add water, bring to boil, add lid and let sit overnight is usually the easiest way to deal w the dried beans.  You can substitute any bean in recipes, black beans have a mushroom taste, Adzuki has a sweet nutty flavor, Cranberry beans have a mild flavor, and etc; experiment to find your favorite, because all beans have a high protein and fiber content.
1. The Black- Eyed Pea Burgers:
¾ C dry black-eyed peas, (Rinse black eyed peas, cover with water, and cook stirring occasionally, until soft, 30-45 min’s.)
½ C quinoa
1 T olive oil
1 T soy sauce
½ t dry thyme
½ dry basil
1 t paprika
½ C toasted whole-grain bread crumbs
Dash salt
Fresh ground black pepper
2 t olive oil
Add 1 C water to quinoa, cover, and simmer until quinoa is tender and water has been absorbed, about 20 min’s.
When the black-eyed peas are cooked, drain, then mash in food processor. Stir in oil and soy sauce, and then add quinoa, thyme, basil, black pepper to taste, and paprika. The mixture should be thick and slightly sticky. Make into patties about 1 ½ inch thick.
2. The Hummus Burger:
2 ½ C’s sprouted, dried, or canned garbanzo beans
4 Lg eggs
½ t salt
1/3 C chopped fresh cilantro
1 chopped onion
Grated zest of one Lg lemon
1 C chopped micro sprouts (try broccoli, onion, or alfalfa)
1 C toasted whole grain bread crumbs
1 Tbl olive oil
Combine:  Either soaked and cooked dried beans, or steamed sprouted garbanzos, or canned, as is (depending on which form of bean you choose) to eggs and salt in food processor. Puree until chunky and hummus looking.  Add cilantro, onion, zest and sprouts (although, hold off on sprouts if you’re going to freeze patties). Add breadcrumbs. (If too dry, add more egg or water). Form into 1 ½ inch thick patties.
3. The Aduki or Black Bean Burger:
15 oz. Aduki beans or (Black bean, whatever bean you like)
1 t of yeast extract
1 chopped onion
2 chopped cloves of garlic
½ C Toasted whole grain bread crumbs
1 T Olive oil
1 C Flour (just enough to coat burgers, you will have extra to throw away)
½ t Salt
Fresh ground black pepper
Prepare beans by soaking, bringing to a boil dried beans, or use canned as is. Mash half of beans in food processor. Sauté, or fry chopped onion, and chopped garlic in 1 T oil. Add yeast extract, Sauté on low heat; take out of pan into a bowl. Add the remainder of the beans, black pepper to taste, and bread crumbs, form into patties, coat w flour.
To Bake:
Oven is preheated at 350. Bake burgers on a lightly sprayed, with Vegetable, or Olive Oil (Pam) cookie sheet for 20 min’s. Turn each croquette or burger, and bake for another 20 min’s, should be golden.
To Cook on Stove Top in Skillet:
Heat 1 T olive oil (or Pam Oil Spray) in a heavy skillet over medium heat, add about four patties at a time, cover and cook for 7 to 10 min’s, until the bottoms begin to brown. Turn up heat if there is no browning after 10 min’s. Flip the patties and cook for another 7 min’s, until golden.
How to serve:
Place patty on a whole-grain bun. Serve with your favorite toppings: avocado slices, sweet onion slices, vine-ripened tomato slices, various grilled vegetables, thin cucumber slices, various lettuce leaves (the darker green the better, ice burg has the lowest nutritional value), various sprouts, and various sauces that you find in my future posts on this site). You can even carefully cut each patty in half; insert your favorite fillings to enjoy.

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