The Secret Ingredients to a Purposeful Life

Friday, March 4, 2011

Have you ever felt God has forsaken you? Why did you let this happen to me? A story of a man and his relationship with his Father / God.

God, How Could You Do This to Me?
The exhausted survivor hauled himself up on the tiny beach of a deserted island. He prayed with all his might to be rescued, but no one came to save him.
Now into months on the island, he filled his days with work, building himself a hut.
He longed desperately to be among people again, but he consoled himself with the work of his hands, and his constant talk to God.
One day, he returned from a scavenging for food to find his hut in smoldering ashes, burned to the ground.

Everything he had made was gone. "God how could you do this to me?" he raged. God had abandoned him. He was totally alone, a broken man.
The next day, the man awoke from his tormented dreams to the sounds of a boat: He was saved! Delirious with joy, the man asked his rescuers how they had found him after all this time. "We saw your smoke signal," they answered.

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