With shells, you can cover just about anything.
You have seen picture frames and jewelry. How about taking bleached starfish and use your hot glue gun to decorate a large mirror? Drift wood makes a mirror just as dramatic.
I wanted to include this vase because I use this idea all the time. You can put just about anything of nature in a glass vase and fill it with water. Find a very attractive large shell and do the same thing.
A second mirror idea. You can mix paint with shells too:
Just what can we do with all those free shells?
You can go more elaborate, like with this chandelier:
Or simple, like with these candles:
You can see that sand was also a medium used in these. They make great gifts! Simply roll your spray glued candle in dry sand, you can spray a sealant if you want, but it is not necessary. Tie some jute or twine around the sea shell. Ideally, you can drill a hole in the shell first. I have also used a hot glue gun. ;-)
Pour sand on the bottom of the glass container/ candle holder, a few shells, water and a floating candle is as easy as it gets. It looks like you spent hours making it!A totally elaborate idea, but if you have the hours to glue these cute babies on, wow... a conversation piece floor lamp! Or you can simply just do a lampshade on a table lamp to add interest. ;-)
How easy is this? Soap shells in an apothecary jar? Place this in your bath areas.
A bit more difficult, but worth the work. Decorate with shells strung upon thin wire. Shop antique or junk shops for old lighting fixtures, or take the form of what used to be a lighting fixture and add candles instead of the electric lights.
Again, candles can be used instead of electric lights. You can also simply use white Christmas lights.
You have heard of a dream catcher; this is the same idea, but with shells. ;-)
This is my favorite creation! Instead of a drum shade, use shells. They would look wonderful outdoors around a deck or patio area. Talk about a mood setter! Or you can make a simple wind charm.
Several simple ideas: To make an easy centerpiece, take three simple jars (canning jars) and fill half way with sand, place shells or starfish on top. Leave the top half empty and screw the lid on.
Or just take a pretty shell in the shape of a open dish and use it for a soap dish! ;-)
I love the sand shells floating candle idea! But what is the trick to the sand?! Every time I try it the water turns cloudy dirty. What sand do I need to use??? Thanks!!